PLEASE READ THESE GENERAL CONDITIONS CAREFULLY before using this website or making a purchase from the associated online store. These general conditions apply to all visits and all use of the website. By accessing this website, you agree to comply with these conditions as well as any other applicable laws or regulations related to the website and/or the Internet.

These General Conditions may be corrected or modified by International Austral Sport S.L. (hereinafter, “Austral” or “We”) at any time. You should review these general conditions every time you access this website. Continued use of the website after these General Conditions have been changed implies your acceptance of such changes. If you do not agree with these General Conditions, please leave the website.


2.1 This website is owned by Austral. All content displayed on it, including but not limited to text, designs, photographs, images, sounds, trademarks, logos, illustrations, and software (hereinafter, “content”) is the property of Austral and/or is authorized for its use. All elements of this website, especially the designs and patterns of the garments for sale, are protected by applicable intellectual property laws.

2.2 You may use this website for your entertainment and/or information and may use resources from this website for personal, non-commercial use, provided that the copyright and other proprietary notices remain intact. Any other use of the website's content for commercial or public purposes is strictly prohibited.

2.3 Any software you download (including but not limited to images, designs, design templates, icons, or videos; hereinafter, “software”) from the website remains the property of Austral; ownership of the software is not transferred to you. You may not redistribute, sell, decrypt, disassemble, or reverse engineer the software.

2.4 Any content you submit through this website or via any communication channels (social networks, email, etc.) will be considered non-confidential, and Austral will be authorized to use or disclose such content without notifying you. All user-generated content automatically becomes the exclusive property of Austral. User-generated content or any type of information you submit to the website or our communication channels must not be, or contain, offensive, pornographic, defamatory, blasphemous, illegal, or otherwise infringe any applicable laws, whether civil, criminal, or religious. You guarantee that all material submitted is originally yours and has not been copied from third parties. Austral is not obligated, and you agree that Austral has no obligation, to review user-generated content and is therefore not liable in any way for such content.

2.5 The word “Austral” and the kangaroo logo are registered trademarks of Austral and cannot be used without prior written consent from Austral.


3.1 Structure of the Austral Online Store 

The Austral website's online store (hereinafter, “online store”) is divided into “microsites.” Each of these sections belongs to a different sports club and may or may not require a password, depending on the club's instructions.
Austral commits to providing each password exclusively to the club that owns the “microsite.” Once the club has the password, Austral is not responsible for any use made of it, including any misuse or resulting damages.

3.2 Requirements for Placing an Order 

To place an order in the online store, you must be over 16 years old and be a consumer or club, not a distributor. You also need to have an email account and the ability to make payments through one of the available payment platforms. If you attempt to place an order for a club whose “microsite” is password-protected, you will need to obtain that password from the sports club associated with the “microsite.”

3.3 Order Placement Process 

Once you have accessed a “microsite,” you must select the desired products from those displayed. Choose the sizes and quantities needed, and provide customization details if the product allows for it (see 3.4 Product Customization). Once the details are correct, you can add the products to the shopping cart. The purchase process continues by requesting the buyer's personal shipping and billing information. Based on this information, the total price and shipping costs are calculated. After reviewing the order, you may proceed to payment using one of the available payment methods at that time (see 3.5 Price and Payment).

3.4 Product Customization 

Some products available for sale may allow for additional customization. In such cases, the buyer must provide all necessary details for the customization. If logos are to be included, they must be submitted in a vectorized format (.ai, .eps, .fh11) to work with them correctly. If non-vectorized images are submitted, our design team will need to vectorize them, and the buyer will be notified of an additional cost of €40 per logo. When the order is received, the customer will be informed of the need to vectorize the logos and how to pay for this service. If payment is not made, the order will be canceled, and the money for the item will be refunded.

3.5 Price and Payment 

The prices of all products listed on the website are in Euros and are displayed both without taxes and with VAT in certain cases. Applicable taxes and shipping fees are calculated during the purchase process based on the buyer's information (important note: customs duties and indirect taxes such as I.G.I.C. or I.P.S.I. are not included in the price and must be paid by the buyer upon receipt of the product). If your country's currency is not the Euro, currency conversion will be handled by PayPal or your bank, applying the corresponding rate on the purchase date. Payment must be made through PayPal's secure platform. Austral does not store or process any banking or credit card information during a purchase. These details are managed in encrypted form on PayPal's secure server using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology. Since the payment process occurs outside the servers we control, Austral is not responsible for any loss of information or other issues that may arise during the payment process.

3.6 Manufacturing, Shipping, and Delivery 

At Austral, we work directly with our clients to create customized designs for their products. Therefore, we must coordinate the manufacturing process in a way that is manageable for both parties. Each club will be assigned a day each month when all orders collected from the “microsite” will be processed, and manufacturing will begin. From that specific date, products will be shipped from our central headquarters within a maximum of 30 calendar days, unless a vacation period (see Vacation Periods) falls within that time. In such cases, vacation days are not counted as part of the delivery period, extending the delivery time to 30 operational calendar days outside the vacation period. The shipping and delivery service will depend on the Transport Agency contracted by Austral. Delivery times will vary based on the customer's delivery location.

3.7 Returns and Cancellations 

Since Austral manufactures customized products for each club or individual buyer, cancellations, returns, or exchanges are not permitted, except in the following cases:

  • I) If the received product is defective or damaged. The customer may request a return or exchange after verification and acceptance by Austral.

  • II) Order cancellations are allowed if the cancellation request is received before the start of the manufacturing process, which varies by club. The cancellation request should be made through common channels (email, phone, contact form on the website).


Austral is only liable for damages you may suffer if they result from a breach of contractual obligations by Austral or if Austral’s liability arises from applicable law. We will not be responsible for any damages caused to third parties arising from the use of our products. We will not be responsible for damages you may have caused due to improper use of our products. We are not responsible for damages resulting from any incorrect information on the website.


This statement of our General Conditions will be interpreted according to the laws of Spain.